The emergence of fencing's future

Wow! That was the best restart to Saturday training I could have imagined!

There were people picking up new weapons for the first time and loving it - 'sabre is awesome!' was one comment that I remember just through the sheer joy of it's expression (although I prefer epee myself). There were young fencers going up against a member headed to the Olympics - 'I got a touch! Sure, she got five but I still got one!' made me smile (and feel proud as a parent of that particular young fencer). And there were new people who have never fenced before turning up and giving it a go -  'Fencing is cool! Where do I sign up?'. What could be better?

And sausages! And bunting! And so many other good things.

But in the midst of all that I saw the future of fencing step forward. That future isn't a club or a structure or a competition. It is fencers helping each to become excellent (whatever that excellence looks like for each of us). And everywhere you looked it was there. There was older fencers showing kindness to younger fencers, teams of fencers working together in new ways and fierce competition in a spirit of camaraderie. We even saw fencers who have been trained well enough to beat their coaches on the piste*. Plus, of course, a team of coaches with the skill and grace to train them.

The club's motto is 'together to the top'. Together, as team MFC, we will make the future something amazing. We are already.

Yesterday, Saturday 4th July 2020, shall go down in our chronicle as a red letter day indeed.

P.S. Maybe we should do this every year and call in 'Joepoleon Pie Day'.
P.P.S. Perhaps not.
P.P.P.S. Don't know what I'm talking about with the pie thing? That's ok, neither do I most of the time! But read this and it might help.

*If, indeed, this is what occurred. I happened to be out of the room during a crucial moment and can only assume that the head coach remains undefeated - how could it possibly be otherwise? I also assume that the head coach could not possibly have been seen wearing foil gear either - rumours I've heard to the contrary are surely absurd! I admit, there exist certain photographs (of uncertain origin though and it must be added that one does show evidence of editing) which could suggest otherwise. So in all fairness I shall simply place this 'evidence' in public leave it with the club members to come to a conclusion as they see fit.
