Getting closer – $400 to go!

Stacked column graph showing funds raised in an orange column in front of the remaining funds needed in a purple column. Caption says, "The first EnPointe is go when orange eats purple!”
Thanks to the generosity of you, our fantastic members, there's only $400 to go to reach the goal of buying an EnPointe Display Box wireless fencing system!

This award-winning, three-weapon system offers reliable, wireless scoring with quick and simple set-up and will allow the Club to offer more strips so you can get more bouting time in foil, epee and sabre.

As you know, MFC is a not-for-profit club run entirely by volunteers, which means all money contributed by our 105 members (i.e. through fees, shop and fundraising) goes to providing the Club resources that we all benefit from. The fundraising for the EnPointe system is your chance to be part of providing an important bit of kit which will enhance the fencing experience for everyone. 

To play your part in getting this excellent tech into the Club, log in to the Club's online shop and grab a Club patch for $20, $50 or $100 (or multiples of these if you're feeling extra!).

Go team MFC – we can do it!

EnPointe Display Box system shot against white background. The system is the scoring box, shown with its panels of red and green LEDs lit to indicate a double touch, flanked by the two pocket relay boxes. All boxes are black, with white text and the white EnPointe logo.
© EnPointe, used with permission
