Update: only $260 to go!

Stacked column graph showing funds raised in an orange column in front of the remaining funds needed in a purple column. Caption says, "The first EnPointe is go when orange eats purple!” 
Orange has nearly eaten purple – just $260 to go to buy an EnPointe Display Box wireless, three-weapon, competition grade scoring system! Go MFC legends!

Fundraising patches if you've been thinking about getting a fundraising patch (or several patches, coz why not?) and would like to be a part of getting this state-of-the-art system into the Club for reliable scoring and more fencing, log in to the Club shop and grab one.

Fundraising raffle if you have enough patches (although not sure how many that would be…), we'll also be holding two fundraising raffles on competition day, with prizes of two FIE epees and one FIE foil kindly donated by our own Dr Jo Williams! Not only do you get a high quality weapon suitable for any competition, but you get to be part of getting the first EnPointe into the Club – win win!

We're so close!

EnPointe Display Box system shot against white background. The system is the scoring box, shown with its panels of red and green LEDs lit to indicate a double touch, flanked by the two pocket relay boxes. All boxes are black, with white text and the white EnPointe logo.
© EnPointe, used with permission

