More grant success for MFC!

Close up shot of the letter lying on a wooden table

It's not every day that you receive a letter from your state MP (in our case the wonderful Trish Doyle) letting you know that a club you volunteer at has been awarded a grant of $2,500. Yet that day arrived for me on Thursday April 1 – and no, it wasn't an April fool's joke, this is for real!

This grant has been awarded to MFC through the Local Sports Grant Program 2020/2021. It's a program we've applied for once before, in the 2019/2020 round. That application was a near miss, so we did what we always do when faced with an obstacle – we sought feedback, we learnt, we adapted and, ultimately, we nailed it!

MFC applied with an idea for showcasing and broadening access to fencing and we'll be using the money to further these aims – more details to come!

Special thanks to Jo Williams for coming up with the original concept for the grant application and for alessandra wollaston for those mad editing and writing skills.We have an amazing team of people volunteering here at MFC and together we can do extraordinary things. Go MFC volunteers! 

We're so grateful for this government support from people who see the value in investing in grassroots initiatives. Big thanks Trish Doyle!
